Coronavirus pandemic

You will probably be aware of the significant falls that have taken place in global financial markets as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. These falls will have an impact upon pensions and savings all over the world, and unfortunately this will include members of the Salvus Master Trust.

The Trustees of the Salvus Master Trust believe that members should not panic, but should remember that pension savings are for the long term, and that markets typically respond positively after a crisis has passed.

If you are uncertain as to how this impacts you and your investments we recommend that you seek financial advice. If your employer uses a financial adviser in connection with their scheme, you may wish to speak to them. If there is no adviser associated with your scheme, you could find an Independent Financial Advisor here.

Default Fund – Cautious Lifestyle

We automatically invest your contributions in our Default Fund.

The objective of the Default Fund is to balance the investment risk against the opportunity for providing long-term investment growth. To accomplish this, the Default Fund has three distinct phases: Growth, Consolidation and Pre-Retirement.

During the Growth Stage, you will be invested in mostly stocks and shares with the aim of generating long-term growth. Fifteen years before retirement you move into the Consolidation Stage and your funds will be invested in more UK bonds and gilts to protect the gains that you have made. Finally, as you reach 5 years before your retirement age you will move into the Pre-Retirement Stage when you will be invested in more cash to protect you from any sudden changes in the stock market.

Download the Fact Sheet if you want to learn more.

These changes are made automatically and are reviewed regularly by the independent Trustee Board. All investments are held in AEGON Asset Management and protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (“FSCS”).

